

Assignment Due Dates
Date Due Assignment Date Assigned
5/7/24 Boö, Vir, Lib, CrB, Her, Lyr (no lines) 4/15/24
5/7/24 Final Exam 1/31/24


Completed Assignments
Late assignments not accepted without permission granted prior to due date!
Points will be deducted for late assignments.
1/26/24 Science Autobiography  1/17/24
2/12/24 UMa, UMi, Dra, Cep, Cas (no lines) 1/17/24
2/12/24 Great Square, Peg, And, Psc, Ari, Tri (no lines) 1/26/24
2/14/24 Semester Sun Watch (1 observation) 1/31/24
2/19/24 Overnight Star Watch 1/31/24
2/21/24 Exam 1: Observing the Sky 1/17/24
3/4/24 Winter Moon Watch 2/9/24
3/4/24 Per, Aur, Tau, Ori (no lines) 2/19/24
3/25/24 Gem, CMa, CMi, Winter Hexagon (no lines) 3/6/24
3/27/24 Exam 2: Light and Stars 1/31/24
4/15/24 Summer Zodiac (no lines) 3/25/24
4/17/24 Exam 3: The Solar System 1/31/24
4/29/24 Semester Sun Watch (5 observations and write-up) 1/31/24


Science Autobiography
Teach and Reflect (doc)


Constellation Observing
Celestial Motion Observing
UMa, UMi, Dra, Cep, Cas (no lines)
Overnight Star Watch
Great Square, Peg, And, Psc, Ari, Tri (no lines)  
Per, Aur, Tau, Ori (no lines)
Semester Sun Watch
Gem, CMa, CMi, Winter Hexagon (no lines)
Summer Zodiac (no lines)
Winter Moon Watch
Boö, Vir, Lib, CrB, Her, Lyr (no lines)
Sun & Moon rise/set calendar


Lab Exercises & Solutions
Summary Spring 2024
Blank Worksheets AOD's Solutions
Atlas Charts Atlas Charts
Star Distances and Magnitudes Star Distances and Magnitudes
Celestial Coordinates Celestial Coordinates
Changes in Latitude Changes in Latitude
Star Trails and Transit Times Star Trails and Transit Times
Rising, Setting, Time in Sky Rising, Setting, Time in Sky
Time Zones Time Zones
Navigation Navigation
Named Latitudes Named Latitudes
The Ecliptic The Ecliptic
Day Through the Seasons Day Through the Seasons
Planets in the Sky Planets in the Sky
Astronomy and Astrology Astronomy and Astrology
Events of a Single Night Events of a Single Night
Moon Phases Moon Phases
Star Flux & Luminosity Star Flux & Luminosity
Hydrogen Spectrum Hydrogen Spectrum
HR Diagram HR Diagram
Star Temperature & Size Star Temperature & Size
Power From Fusion Power From Fusion
Stellar Evolution in the Sky Stellar Evolution in the Sky
Scaling the Solar System Scaling the Solar System
The Orbit of Mars The Orbit of Mars
Plugged in to CO2 Plugged in to CO2
Atmospheriic Circulation Model Atmospheriic Circulation Model
Globular Clusters Globular Clusters
Hubble Law Hubble Law
History of the Universe History of the Universe


Exam 1: Observing the Sky
Exam 2: Light and Stars
Exam 3: The Solar System
NASA Photojournal Paleomap Project Atmospheric Circulation
Final Exam


Gunnison Riding Hall
Planetarium Directions
Plan Map of Potsdam 3-D Map of Potsdam State Campus

Last Updated 5/3/24 by AOD.