These are the SLU Fellows and senior projects I have advised. I tried to provide
a link to the final poster or presentation when I could find it.
SLU Fellows
Game AI and and a comparison of Baysian, genetic, and neural network learning algorithms. (Justin Newcom)
Summer 2008.
A connectionist model of episodic memory (Adam Britt)
[.ppt ]
A cellular automata model of episodic memory (Ben Case)
[.ppt ]
- Using SystemC™ to model hardware (Ashish Dixit)
Senior Projects
Linking Medical Disciplines with Theories of the Small-World (Renée Rubin)
[.ppt ] Presented at
HRUMC 2008.
A Relational Database for SLU's Weather Station Data (Ashley Abare)
[.ppt ]
A Beowulf Cluster for Bioinformatics Applications (Ben Case, Steve Ciesla)
[.ppt ]
Presented at HRUMC 2007.
A Relational Database for C.elegans microarrary data (Andrea Adams)
[.ppt ] Presented at HRUMC 2007.
Web Development using MVC and Ruby on Rails (Alan Marcero)
[.ppt ].
A C++ Interface for visualizing graphs (Nick Bonsack)
[.ppt ].
Pathfinding using LEGO NXT Robot with NXC (Allison Avrich, James Padgett)
[.ppt ].
A connectionist model of episodic memory (Adam Britt).
Note: This is a continuation of Adam's SLU fellowship.
A MIPS SystemC™ model (Jon Muckell)
Cryptography and Implementing RSA (Alison DeSieno)
Network Protocols (Shaun Phillips)