Kevin Angstadt and Ed Harcourt. 2015.
A Virtual Machine Model for Accelerating Relational Database Joins using a General Purpose GPU.
In Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'15). Society for
Computer Simulation International and ACM SIGSIM.
Ed Harcourt and Jamie Perconti.
A SystemC library for specifying pipeline abstractions.
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 38(1):76-81, February 2014.
Richard Sharp and Ed Harcourt.
Design and construction of general purpose computing resources for Linux
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Ed Harcourt.
Policies of system level pipeline modeling.
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Ed Harcourt.
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Ed Harcourt.
Teaching computer organization and architecture using SystemC.
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Brian Ladd and Ed Harcourt.
Student competitions and bots in an introductory computer programming
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Paolo Giusto, Grant Martin, and Ed Harcourt.
Reliable estimation of the execution time of embedded software.
In Proceedings of the Design Automation and Test Europe (DATE),
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Jwahar Bammi, Ed Harcourt, Wido Kruitzer, Luciano Lavagno, and Mihai Lazarescu.
Software performance estimation strategies in a system level design
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on
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Gérard Berry, Ed Harcourt, Luciano Lavagno, and Ellen Sentovich.
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M. T. Lazarescu, J. R. Bammi, E. Harcourt, L. Lavagno, and M. Lajolo.
Compilation-based software performance estimation for system level
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Validation and Test Workshop (HLDVT'00). IEEE Computer Society, 2000.
Mark R. Hartoog, James A. Rowson, Prakash D. Reddy, Soumya Desai, Douglas D.
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Generation of software tools from processor descriptions for
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Ed Harcourt, Jon Mauney, and Todd Cook.
From processor timing specifications to static instruction
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Edwin A. Harcourt, Jon Mauney, and Todd Cook.
Formal specification and simulation of instruction-level parallelism.
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Todd Cook and Ed Harcourt.
A functional specification language fior instruction set
In Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Computer
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E. Harcourt, J. Mauney, and T. Cook.
Functional specification and simulation of instruction set
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Simulation and
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Todd A. Cook, Paul D. Franzon, Edwin A. Harcourt, and Thomas K. Miller III.
System-level specification of instruction sets.
In International Conference on Computer Design, pages 552-557,
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Todd A. Cook, Paul D. Franzon, Edwin A. Harcourt, and Thomas K. Miller III.
Behavioral modeling of processors from instruction set
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Verilog HDL Conference,
Todd A. Cook, Paul D. Franzon, Edwin A. Harcourt, and Thomas K. Miller III.
LISAS: a language for instruction set architecture specification.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Hardware/Software Co-design, 1992.
J. Mauney, D.P. Agrawal, Y.K. Choe, E.A. Harcourt, S. Kim, and W.J. Staats.
Computational models and resource allocation for parallel computers.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(12), 1989.
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