F a c u l t y   M e m b e r s

Michael E. Schuckers, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Statistics
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
St. Lawrence University
Canton, New York
Office: Valentine 211
Telephone: 315.229.5794
Fax: 315.229.7413
E-Mail: schuckers@stlawu.edu

Michael Schuckers

Links to:
Michael E. Schuckers Website
Math Department at SLU
St. Lawrence University


Collen Knickerbocker, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
St. Lawrence University
Canton, New York
Office: Valentine 210-1
Phone: 315.229.5976
E-Mail: knick@stlawu.edu

Collen Knickerbocker
C u r r e n t   S t u d e n t s   ( 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 4 )

Matthew J. Norton
St. Lawrence University
Class of 2005
Economics - Math Major

Matthew Norton
Travis J. Atkinson
St. Lawrence University
Class of 2004
Mathematics Major
Statistics Minor

Travis Atkinson
F o r m e r  S t u d e n t s   ( 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3 )

Nona Mramba (Tsahai)
St. Lawrence University
Class of 2004
Computer Science and Math Major

Nona Mramba
Kate Livingstone
St. Lawrence University
Class of 2004
Mathematics Major
Applied Statistics Minor
Kate Livingstone
Anne Hawley
St. Lawrence University
Class of 2003
Mathematics Major
Statistics Minor
Anne Hawley

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Website Design by Anton Madzharov