Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and
                Lawrence University

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Class Notes


CS 140: Introduction to Computer Programming

For Loops

Performing certain tasks over and over again are another one of those things that computers do well.  For instance, we might want a program to execute a block of code a fixed number of times.  So to print the lyrics to a certain well-known song, we would type

for j in range(1,4):
    print "We wish you a Merry Christmas,"

But wait, you protest, this should print the line four times, and we only want three of them!  In fact, due to a peculiarity of how Python interprets this code (it counts all the way up to 4, but does not include 4), the print statement will execute only three times.

Notice that we use a colon, just as with if and else statements, because the results of a for command depend on the lines following it.  And just as before, all the indented lines immediately following a for command are the ones that get repeated.  This has important consequences, as the following two examples illustrate.

j in range(1,4):

    print "We wish you a Merry Christmas,"
    print "and a Happy New Year!"

j in range(1,4):

    print "We wish you a Merry Christmas,"
print "and a Happy New Year!"

j in range(1,4):

    print "We wish you a Merry Christmas,"

print "and a Happy New Year!"

Because both print statements are indented, the first version will print both lines three times, which is not what we want.  The second version gets the job done, but the third version is even better since it separates the last line visually, making it abundantly clear that it is not part of the for loop.

The variable j that is keeping track of which time we are going through the for loop can be used in the body of the loop.  This is rather convenient, say, for counting from 1 to 100.

for j in range(1,101):
    print j,

The comma after the j will cause all the numbers to be printed one after the other on the same line, which makes it easier to see them all.  In order to skip all the multiples of 3, just check before printing to make sure that the remainder when j is divided by 3 isn't 0, like this.

for j in range(1,101):
    if j%3 != 0:
        print j,

If you would rather think about this in terms of when j is a multiple of 3, you could type

for j in range(1,101):
    if j%3 == 0:
        print j,

Here we have introduced a new command called pass, which literally means "do nothing."

Finally, it's worth mentioning that Python can count in more sophisticated ways than simply increasing by 1 each time.  This is done by indicating a step size in the range.  So the code

for j in range(1,101,2):
    print j,

will print all the numbers from 1 to 100 starting at 1 and increasing by 2 each time.  In other words, it will print all the odd numbers from 1 to 99.  To get all the even numbers instead, you would need to start counting at 2 instead, like this.

for j in range(2,101,2):
    print j,

Python can even count backwards.  To perform an exciting countdown, type

for j in range(10,0,-1):
    print j,

print "Blast off!"

Observe that we did not type range(11,1,-1) as this would have started counting at 11 and stopped before it reached 1.