Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and
                Lawrence University

What is this object?


Grading Info
Class Notes


CS 140: Introduction to Computer Programming

Professor: Sam Vandervelde
Office: VAL 212
Semester: Fall 2012
Classroom: BEW 109
Times: T/Th 2:20--3:50
Course TA: Spencer Timerman



Course Overview

The overall purpose of this course is to introduce you to the realm of computer programming via the Python language. During the semester you will develop an appreciation for and proficiency with this programming language. In the process you will improve your ability to approach tasks in a structured, algorithmic manner. You will also have the opportunity to propose and implement your own code, to write a wide variety of programs, and to work together with classmates.

The topics we will cover include input/output, variables, branching, arithmetic, graphics, strings, loops, functions, lists, interactive graphics, and animation. We will move through the topics in roughly this order. There is no required text for the course; instead, I will post notes in advance of each class meeting so that you can follow along as we cover new material or refer back to them later.  If you wish to obtain a book for further reference I strongly recommend Hello World! by Warren Sande and Carter Sande.  (This book is quite helpful but strictly optional; you are not required to purchase it.)

We will hold interactive classes, so feel free to ask questions, share ideas, or point out mistakes at any point.  If your computer ever behaves in an unexpected manner, please let me know right away.  Better yet, flag down our TA, Spencer Timerman, who can solve all your computer related difficulties.  On a related note, when your programs refuse to run as intended, don't hesitate to ask me or a nearby classmate for help.  The classroom is definitely the best place to identify and fix programming errors.  Finally, please observe basic lab etiquette and refrain from surfing, texting, and so on during instruction time.

Some of you may wish to install this programming language on your own machines to make working on assignments more convenient. This can be done, but it is not altogether straightforward.  For this reason I would recommend working on programming tasks in our classroom, Bewkes 109.  This location has the added advantage that help is literally around the corner at the QRC or upstairs in my office, Valentine 212.  Please contact me if you wish to install Python software on your own machine.  For more information and documentation, visit the official Python web site.

You are welcome to stop by my office whenever you would like to discuss programming. I will generally be around from 12:00 to 3:00 on Mondays, 12:00 until 2:00 on T/Th, and for much of Friday afternoon.  The most reliable way to contact me is to send email. You can also call X5946 to reach me by phone.  Our course TA, Spencer Timerman, will have hours at the QRC on Thursday evenings from 9:00-11:00pm.  Please be sure to contact me early in the semester to make special arrangements regarding any aspect of the course due to religious observances or disabilities.