Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and
                Lawrence University

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Class Notes


CS 140: Introduction to Computer Programming

While Loops

As we have seen, a for loop is useful for repeating a certain task a fixed number of times.  However, in many situations it is not known in advance how many times a particular task should be performed.  For instance, suppose that I keep asking you to guess my favorite color until you get it right.  Then I ask as long as your guess does not match the color I have in mind, which happens to be vermillion.  (So this could take a long time.)  The code to accomplish this looks like

guess = raw_input("Guess my favorite color: ")
while guess != "vermillion":
    print "Nope, not even close."
    guess = raw_input("Guess my favorite color again: ")

As we have become accustomed to, the lines following the while statement are indented; these are exactly the lines that are executed as long as the guess is incorrect.

If one is not careful, it is entirely possible to create an endless loop.  This occurs when the condition that a while statement is checking never actually becomes true.  For instance, a subtle mistake in the above program would be to give the subsequent guesses a different name, as in the following code.

guess = raw_input("Guess my favorite color: ")
while guess != "vermillion":
    print "Nope, not even close."
    newguess = raw_input("Guess my favorite color again: ")

Notice that the value of guess never changes after the first line, so there is no hope of ever exiting the while loop, even if the user were lucky enough to eventually type "vermillion."  This observation prompts us to state the Golden Rule of While Loops, which is that the body of the while loop should make it possible (sooner or later) for the condition being tested by the while statement to be true.

Here's another scenario in which we wish to repeat an action over and over, but without knowing in advance how many times.  Let's add together random two-digit numbers until the total exceeds 1000, and keep track of how many tries it takes.  (Obviously, this amount will probably change each time we run the program.)

import random
total = 0
tries = 0
while total <= 1000:
    total = total + random.randint(10,99)
    tries = tries + 1
print "It took", tries, "numbers to total more than 1000."

Be sure to initialize the variables tries and total to equal 0 at the outset, or else Python won't know what to do when it first encounters them inside the loop.

WARNING: it is much more difficult to correctly code a while loop than reading these examples might lead you to believe.  Be sure to get plenty of practice with this structure!