Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and
                Lawrence University

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Class Notes


CS 140: Introduction to Computer Programming

T/Th, Oct 30-Nov 1

This week we will undertake the somewhat ambitious project of coding MasterMind, the game in which a player attempts to determine a secret word and is told after each guess how many letters in their guess are correct, and how many of those are in the correct place.  Our program will feature a graphical display to make the game more entertaining. 

Once everyone understands the overall structure of the program we will employ a "divide and conquer" strategy to accomplish the entire task in just two class sessions.  Each person will be in charge of writing and testing one of the functions below.  Once your function is working as intended, you will email your code to Dr. V, who will assemble all the functions into our final program.  With any luck we'll soon have a great game to play!

  • instructions()  This function should welcome the player and carefully describe the rules of the game.  All text will be printed to the Terminal shell, not to the graphics window.  After waiting a suitable time interval, the computer should ask the user to press [ENTER] when they are ready to play.
  • drawborder()  This function will initialize a 600 x 900 pygame window with a black background and draw a decorative border around the edge.  The border should only be 50 pixels wide to leave room in the middle of the screen for game play.  The word 'MasterMind' should appear centered along the top of the screen.
  • welcome() This function should create an exciting graphical display of some sort within the central 500 x 800 portion of the screen.  Include a message such as "Game on!" or "Ready to play?" or something similar.  It should then wait three seconds and erase the display by drawing a black rectangle over this central region of the screen.
  • prepscreen() This function will prepare the screen for the actual game.  It should divide the central 500 x 800 portion of the screen into different blocks, as described in class, using white lines.  It should print headers "Guesses" and "Clues"  across the top, and number the guesses down the left side, all in small font.
  • getguess() This function will ask the player to enter an ordinary English five-letter word in the Terminal shell.  It should strip off extra spaces and make sure that the word is the correct length.  (And repeatedly ask until a suitable word is entered.)  It should then convert the word to all upper case and return this word.
  • printword(turn,word) This function will print the given word in large font at the appropriate place within the screen, next to the corresponding turn number.
  • showclues(turn,right,good) This function will draw a sequence of five circles in the appropriate part of the screen.  There should be one gold circle for each right letter, one green circle for each good letter that is not already right, and the rest red circles.  Put a time delay between drawing each circle, just to build suspense.
  • testforright(guess,secret) This function will check how many letters in the guess and secret word match exactly.  For instance, the pair of words house and south have exactly two matching letters.  The function should return the number of matching letters.
  • testforgood(guess,secret) This function will check how many letters the guess and secret words have in common, taking into account repeated letters.  For instance, the pair of words apple and plate have four letters in common.  The function should return the number of common letters.  Warning: this task is tricky.  Dr. V will provide a strategy for coding this function.
  • winscreen() This function will draw an exciting and colorful display within the central 500 x 800 portion of the screen.  Some part of the display should announce that the player has won the game.
  • losescreen() This function will draw a considerably less exciting display within the central 500 x 800 portion of the screen.  Some part of the display should announce that the player has lost the game.