4 Introduction to Data Wrangling via the dplyr package

4.1 Introduction

Data wrangling (also known as data manipulation or munging) is central to data analysis and is often one of the most time consuming portion of an analysis. The dplyr package contains a suite of functions to make data wrangling easier. The core functions of the dplyr package can be thought of as verbs for data wrangling.

Verb(s) Meaning
filter and slice pick specific observations (i.e. specific rows)
arrange reorder the rows
select pick variables by their names (i.e. specific columns)
mutate add new calculated columns to a data frame
summarize aggregate many rows into a single row

In this example we will explore how to use each of these functions, as well as how to combine them with the group_by function for groupwise manipulations.

To begin, let’s make sure that our data set and the dplyr package are loaded

## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 4.2.3
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
colleges <- read_csv("data/colleges2015.csv")
## Rows: 1776 Columns: 15
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (5): college, type, city, state, region
## dbl (10): unitid, admissionRate, ACTmath, ACTenglish, undergrads, cost, grad...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Data: The file college2015.csv contains information on predominantly bachelor’s-degree granting institutions from 2015 that might be of interest to a college applicant.

To get a feel for what data are available, look at the first couple rows. (The head and tail functions are a pair of tools to help you take a quick look at the data without printing all of it.)


and maybe the last six rows


and the structure of the data frame.


(Note that the str function print to the console the same info you get by expanding the data in the Environment tab.)

Variable Description
unitid A unique ID number for each school
college School name
type School type: public or private
city City
state State abbreviation
region Region of the U.S.
admissionRate Proportion of undergraduate applicants admitted
ACTmath Median ACT math score
ACTenglish Median ACT english score
undergrads Undergraduate enrollment
cost Total cost of attendance
gradRate Proportion of students graduating within six years
FYretention Proportion of first year students returning for a second year
fedloan Proportion of students with federal student loans
debt Median principal of student loans entering repayment

4.1.1 0. Piping

By now, you have likely seen R code that uses the pipe %>% to pass results from one line of code to the next. This is most useful for when we apply multiple verbs to a chunk of code like outlined below.

# Do not run this code

end_result <- initial_data_object %>%
                # the . in the next line denotes where the previous lines result is placed
                first_function(., function_input1, function_input2, ...) %>% 
                second_function(., function_input1, function_input2, ...) %>% 
                third_function(., function_input1, function_input2, ...) %>%
                nth_function(., function_input1, function_input2, ...)

Much of this tutorial involves only using a single verb at a time, so we will only use it occasionally. You are welcome to use it if you like for any exercises within, even if they only require one verb.

4.2 1. Filtering rows

To extract the rows only for colleges and universities in a specific state we use the filter function. For example, we can extract the colleges in New York from the colleges data set using the following code:

ny <- filter(colleges, state == "NY")

Redo using piping

ny <- colleges %>% filter(state == "NY")

 # or can use . to indicate where the left-hand side
 # of the pipe will be placed

ny <- colleges %>% filter(., state == "NY")


  • The first argument given to filter is always the data frame (this is true for all the core functions in dplyr), followed by logical tests that the returned cases must pass. In our example, the test was whether the school was in New York, which is written as state == "NY".
  • Remember: we have to use == to indicate equality/equivalence. (As = is used for assignment, like ->, and, more importantly, for passing named inputs into functions.)
  • When testing character variables, be sure to use quotes to specify the value of the variable that you are testing.
  • To specify multiple tests, use a comma to separate the tests (think of the comma as the word “and”). You can also use the & if you prefer. For example,
smallNY <- filter(colleges, state == "NY" & undergrads < 2000)

returns only those rows corresponding to schools in Wisconsin with fewer than 2,000 undergraduate students.

  • To specify that at least one test must be passed, use the | character (aka “or”) instead of the comma. For example, the below test checks whether a college is in New York or Minnesota or Iowa, so it returns all of the colleges in New York, Minnesota, and Iowa.
NyMnIa <- filter(colleges, (state == "NY") | (state == "MN") | (state == "IA") )

Alternatively, when dealing with a longer list of choices within the same variable, you can use the %in% command. While slightly more “R specific”, this is a far better approach to take when you can multiple “or” conditions on the same variable to keep track of.

NyMnIa <- filter(colleges, state %in% c("NY", "MN", "IA"))
  • You can use both | and , to specify multiple tests. For example, we can return all colleges with fewer than 2,000 undergraduate students in New York, Minnesota, and Iowa.
smallNyMnIa <- filter(colleges, state == "NY" | state == "MN" | state == "IA", undergrads < 2000)

Common mistake - can’t distribute state == over the or (|)

smallNyMnIa <- filter(colleges, 
                      (state == "NY" | "MN" | "IA"),
                      undergrads < 2000)
  • Common comparison operators for the tests include: >, >=, <, <=, != (not equal), == (equal), %in%, and between.

  • Another common task is to remove rows with missing values, there are several ways to do this. For example, using the R command na.omit,

colleges <- na.omit(colleges)

will reduce the data set to only rows with no missing values. You can the filter function to drop rows with missing values in only a single variable. For example,

colleges <- filter(colleges, !is.na(cost))

will eliminate only rows with NA in the cost column.

4.2.1 Exercises

  1. Construct a data set with only Vermont colleges? (The abbreviation for Vermont is VT.) Feel free to try out piping if you’d like.
vt <- colleges %>%
  filter(state == "VT")
  1. Construct a data set containing private Vermont colleges with at least 1000 undergraduates.
vt_private_large <-
  colleges %>% # full data set
      state == "VT",  # keep only Vermont schools
      type == "private", # keep only private schools
     undergrads >= 1000 # keep only schools with enrollment > 1000

Another way

  colleges %>%
    filter(state == "VT") %>%
    filter(type == "private") %>%
    filter(undergrads >= 1000) 
  1. Construct a data set containing all private Vermont colleges or public colleges with fewer than 2000 undergraduates.
colleges %>% # full data
    # private Vermont schools or
    ( (state == "VT") & (type == "private") ) |
    # public schools with fewer than 2000    
    (  (type == "public") & (undergrads < 2000) )

4.3 2. Slicing rows

To extract rows 10 through 16 from the colleges data frame we use the slice function.

slice(colleges, 10:16)


  • To select consecutive rows, create a vector of the row indices by separating the first and last row numbers with a :.
  • To select non-consecutive rows, create a vector manually by concatenating the row numbers using c(). For example, to select the 2nd, 18th, and 168th rows use slice(colleges, c(2, 18, 168)).

4.3.1 Exercises

  1. How do you decide between using filter and slice for subseting rows?

filter() —> provide a logical statement to subset rows, but aren’t concerned with their location

slice() —> you want a specific set of rows based on their location

4.4 3. Arranging rows

To sort the rows by total cost, from the least expensive to the most expensive, we use the arrange function.

costDF <- arrange(colleges, cost)


  • By default, arrange assumes that we want the data arranged in ascending order by the specified variable(s).
  • To arrange the rows in descending order, wrap the variable name in the desc function. For example, to arrange the data frame from most to least expensive we would use the following command:
costDF <- arrange(colleges, desc(cost))
  • To arrange a data frame by the values of multiple variables, list the variables in a comma separated list. The order of the variables specifies the order in which the data frame will be arranged. For example,
actDF <- arrange(colleges, 
          desc(ACTmath), desc(ACTenglish))

reorders colleges first by the median ACT math score (in descending order) and then by the ACT english score (in descending order)

4.4.1 Exercises

  1. What school is most expensive?
# works if no ties
colleges %>%
  arrange(desc(cost)) %>%
# better, in case there are ties
colleges %>%
  slice_max(order_by = cost, 
            n = 1)
  1. What school has the least expensive tuition in Wyoming (WY)?
# using arrange
colleges %>%
    desc(state), # sort state abbreviations (WY is last)
    cost # cheapest first
# not using arrange
colleges %>%
  filter(state == "WY") %>% # get only WY schools
  slice_min(cost, n = 1)
  1. Suppose we wanted to find the ten most expensive schools and store the result as a new object.

  2. Which school has the most expensive tuition in New York?

4.5 4. Selecting columns

Suppose that you are only interested in a subset of the columns in the data set—say, college, city, state, undergrads, and cost—and want to create a data frame with only these columns. To do this, we select the desired columns:

lessCols <- colleges %>% select(college, city, state, undergrads, cost)


  • After specifying the data frame, list the variable names to select from the data frame separated by commas.
  • In some cases you may want to drop a small number of variables from a data frame. In this case, putting a negative sign before a variable name tells select to select all but the negated variables. For example, if we only wished to drop the unitid variable we run the following command:
drop_unitid <- select(colleges, -unitid)

4.6 5. Mutating data (adding new columns)

Data sets often do not contain the exact variables we need, but contain all of the information necessary to calculate the needed variables. In this case, we can use the mutate function to add a new column to a data frame that is calculated from other variables. For example, we may wish to report percentages rather than proportions for the admissions rate.

colleges <- mutate(colleges, admissionPct = 100 * admissionRate)

# can move new variable to the front
# (might be useful if printing/knitting a tibble)

colleges <- colleges %>% 
  mutate(admissionPct = 100 * admissionRate) %>%


  • After specifying the data frame, give the name of the new variable and it’s definition. Notice that we need to use = to assign the value of the new variable within mutate, not <-. (This is because the new variable is not a new object, just an extra piece of information we are storing within a different object.)
  • To add multiple variables once, separate the list of new variables by commas. For example, we can also add percentage versions of FYretention and gradRate.
colleges <- mutate(colleges, 
                   FYretentionPct = 100 * FYretention,
                   gradPct = 100 * gradRate,
                   dropRate = FYretentionPct - gradPct

4.7 6. Summarizing rows

To create summary statistics for columns within the data set we must aggregate all of the rows using the summarize command. (Note that you can also use the British spelling: summarise.) For example, to calculate the median cost of all 1069 colleges in our data set we run the following command:

          medianCost = median(cost, na.rm = TRUE))


  • As with all of the functions we have seen, the first argument should be the name of the data frame.
  • We add na.rm = TRUE here to remove any missing values in the cost column before the calculation. Many functions, including this summarize function, will return an error if there are missing values (blanks, NAs or NaNs) in your data.
  • summarize returns a data frame, with one row and one column.
  • We can ask for multiple aggregations in one line of code by simply using a comma separated list. For example, we can calculate the five number summary of cost for all 1069 colleges in our data set
          min = min(cost, na.rm = TRUE), 
          Q1 = quantile(cost, .25, na.rm = TRUE), 
          median = median(cost, na.rm = TRUE), 
          Q3 = quantile(cost, .75, na.rm = TRUE), 
          max = max(cost, na.rm = TRUE))
  • Notice that even when multiple statistics are calculated, the result is a data frame with one row and the number of columns correspond to the number of summary statistics.

It is worth noting that some summary statistics (e.g., the five number summary) can be calculated in dplyr in other ways. For example,

          quantile_statistic = 
            quantile(x = cost, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25), na.rm = TRUE), q = seq(0, 1, 0.25)         )
## Warning: Returning more (or less) than 1 row per `summarise()` group was deprecated in
## dplyr 1.1.0.
## ℹ Please use `reframe()` instead.
## ℹ When switching from `summarise()` to `reframe()`, remember that `reframe()`
##   always returns an ungrouped data frame and adjust accordingly.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

However, it is my opinion that this is more complex for those just learning dplyr.

4.7.1 Exercises

  1. What happens if we remove na.rm = TRUE from the code above?

4.8 7. Groupwise manipulation

Often it is of interest to manipulate data within groups. For example, we might be more interested in creating separate summaries for each state, or for private and public colleges. To do this we must first tell R what groups are of interest using the group_by function, and then we can use any of the above functions. Most often group_by is paired with summarise or mutate.

Let’s first consider comparing the cost of private and public colleges. First, we must specify that the variable type defines the groups of interest.

colleges_by_type <- group_by(colleges, type)


  • After specifying the data frame, list the categorical variable(s) defining the groups.

  • When we print the data frame it tells us the variables that define the groups and how many groups are in the data frame. This provides sanity checks, so be sure to pay attention to if this matches your expectation! For example, if there were any typos in the column or if just one value is capitalized (such as Public) we would be told there are more than two groups.

  • group_by statements are almost always used as part of a piped chain of commands. It is rare that you would want to just group a dataset without then performing some further wrangling on it.

  • The ungroup command can be used to remove a data frame of any groups constructed by group_by.

  • Multiple variables can be used to specify the groups. For example, to specify groups by state and type, we would run the following command:

colleges_state_type <- group_by(colleges, state, type)
  • If using multiple group_by statements on the same data frame, only the last one will be applied. For example,
colleges_state_type <- colleges %>% group_by(state) %>% group_by(type)

Will only have groups based on the type of college, not the state.

4.8.1 Exercises

  1. Verify the first two statements by (a) printing both colleges and colleges_by_type to the console and (b) investigating each in the Environment panel.
  1. Verify the last two statements by running the code provided in them.

4.8.2 Combining group_by with other commands

Once we have a grouped data frame, we can obtain summaries by group via summarize. For example, the five number summary of cost by institution type is obtained below

colleges %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarize(min = min(cost, na.rm = TRUE), 
            Q1 = quantile(cost, .25, na.rm = TRUE), 
            median = median(cost, na.rm = TRUE), 
            Q3 = quantile(cost, .75, na.rm = TRUE), 
            max = max(cost, na.rm = TRUE)

We can also calculate new variables within groups, such as the standardized cost of attendance within each state:

colleges_by_state <- group_by(colleges, state) %>%
                            mean.cost = mean(cost, na.rm = TRUE), 
                            sd.cost = sd(cost, na.rm = TRUE),
                            z.cost = (cost - mean.cost) / sd.cost


  • mutate allows you to use variables defined earlier to calculate a new variable. This is how z.cost was calculated.

4.9 8. Additional Exercises

  1. Filter the rows for colleges in Great Lakes or New England regions.

  2. Which school in Great Lakes or New England region has the highest first-year retention rate in this reduced data set.

  3. Which school in Great Lakes or New England region has the lowest admissions rate in this reduced data set.

  4. Using the full data set, create a column giving the cumulative average cost of attendance, assuming that students finish in four years and that costs increase 3% per year. Name this new column total_cost_4yrs.

  5. Using the full data set, summarize the total cost of attendance by region by calculating the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles. Then arrange them by median costs (from highest to lowest).

  6. Place your result from the previous question in a nicely formatted, HTML friendly, table.