P e e r   R e v i e w e d   P u b l i c a t i o n s

Schuckers, ME
          “A parametric correlation framework for the statistical evaluation and estimation of biometric-based classification performance in a single environment”
           IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2009 (to appear)


Adler, A, Schuckers, ME
          “Human versus Automatic Face Recognition”
           IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, vol. 37, 2007


Schuckers, ME
          “Using the Beta-binomial distribution to assess performance of a biometric identification device”
           International Journal of Image and Graphics, vol. 3, no. 3, July 2003


Schuckers, ME
          “Some statistical aspects of biometric identification device performance”
           Stats Magazine, Winter 2001

O t h e r   P u b l i c a t i o n s / T a l k s

Schuckers, ME
          “Test Sample and Size”
           Encyclopedia of Biometrics, Li, SZ and Elliot SJ (eds), (to appear)


Schuckers, ME
          “Theoretical Statistical Correlation For Biometric Identification Performance”
           Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), (2008)


Schuckers, ME, Minev, YD, Adler A
          “Curvewise DET confidence regions and pointwise EER confidence intervals using radial sweep methodology”
           Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biometrics 2007, Seoul, Korea (2007)


Schuckers, ME, Sheldon, EM, Hartson, HA
          “When enough is enough: Early stopping of biometrics error rate testing”
           Proceedings of the 2007 Auto ID Conference


Ma, Y, Schuckers, ME, Cukic, B
          “Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Simulated Data for Bio-Authentication Research”
           Proceedings of the AutoID 2005 Conference


Adler, A, Schuckers, ME
          “Calculation of a composite DET curve”
           2005 Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication


Schuckers, ME, Lopez, NL
          “Template Aging: A Study of the NIST Biometric Score Set Release 1”
           Proceedings of the 2005 Biometric Symposium


Atkinson, TJ, Schuckers, ME
          “Approximate Confidence Intervals for Estimation of Matching Error Rates of Biometric Identification Devices ”
           Proceedings of the Biometric Authentication: ECCV 2004 International Workshop


Schuckers, ME, Hawley, AM, Mramba, TN, Livingstone, KA, and Knickerbocker, CJ
          “A comparison of statistical methods for evaluating matching performance of a biometric identification device- a preliminary report”
           Proceedings of the Biometric Technology For Human Identification Conference 2004 (to appear)


Schuckers, ME
          “Estimation and sample size calculations for correlated binary error rates of biometric identification rates”
           In 2003 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association: Biometrics Section, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA


Schuckers, ME
          “Interval estimates when no failures are observed”
           IEEE AutoID Conference Proceedings, 2002

M a n u s c r i p t s

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C o p y r i g h t  ©  Michael E. Schuckers   S t. L a w r e n c e U n i v e r s i t y  Biometrics (©)
Website Design by Anton Madzharov