Schuckers, ME
“A parametric correlation framework for the statistical evaluation and estimation of biometric-based classification performance in a single environment”
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2009 (to appear) |
Adler, A, Schuckers, ME
“Human versus Automatic Face Recognition”
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, vol. 37, 2007 |
Schuckers, ME
“Using the Beta-binomial distribution to assess performance of a biometric identification device”
International Journal of Image and Graphics, vol. 3, no. 3, July 2003 |
Schuckers, ME
“Some statistical aspects of biometric identification device performance”
Stats Magazine, Winter 2001 |
O t h e r P u b l i c a t i o n s / T a l k s |
Schuckers, ME
“Test Sample and Size”
Encyclopedia of Biometrics, Li, SZ and Elliot SJ (eds), (to appear) |
Schuckers, ME
“Theoretical Statistical Correlation For Biometric Identification Performance”
Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), (2008) |
Schuckers, ME, Minev, YD, Adler A
“Curvewise DET confidence regions and pointwise EER confidence intervals using radial sweep methodology”
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biometrics 2007, Seoul, Korea (2007) |
Schuckers, ME, Sheldon, EM, Hartson, HA
“When enough is enough: Early stopping of biometrics error rate testing”
Proceedings of the 2007 Auto ID Conference |
Ma, Y, Schuckers, ME, Cukic, B
“Guidelines for Appropriate Use of Simulated Data for Bio-Authentication Research”
Proceedings of the AutoID 2005 Conference |
Adler, A, Schuckers, ME
“Calculation of a composite DET curve”
2005 Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication |
Schuckers, ME, Lopez, NL
“Template Aging: A Study of the NIST Biometric Score Set Release 1”
Proceedings of the 2005 Biometric Symposium |
Atkinson, TJ, Schuckers, ME
“Approximate Confidence Intervals for Estimation of Matching Error Rates of Biometric Identification Devices ”
Proceedings of the Biometric Authentication: ECCV 2004 International Workshop |
Schuckers, ME, Hawley, AM, Mramba, TN, Livingstone, KA, and Knickerbocker, CJ
“A comparison of statistical methods for evaluating matching performance of a biometric identification device- a preliminary report”
Proceedings of the Biometric Technology For Human Identification Conference 2004 (to appear) |
Schuckers, ME
“Estimation and sample size calculations for correlated binary error rates of biometric identification rates”
In 2003 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association: Biometrics Section, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA |
Schuckers, ME
“Interval estimates when no failures are observed”
IEEE AutoID Conference Proceedings, 2002
M a n u s c r i p t s |